Snowdrops and the language of flowers
If you have visited our blog before, you may know that we love looking in to the the significance and meaning of the different flowers that we paint in our painting masterclasses. From the forgotten flowers of Valentine's Day to the perfect flowers for Mothers Day.
As another year rolls around, we are yet again asked if it is possible to paint snowdrops. These delicate flowers hold so much appeal at this time of the year. When we looked into the meaning behind the snowdrop, it is unsurprising to find that they symbolise renewal and rebirth. The 'milk flower of the snow' there are many stories and myths about how they came to exist but they were written about as early as the 4th century BC.
What we were surprised to learn is that the Victorians were very superstitious about this beautiful flower. They saw it as a bad omen and refused to have them in their homes. As a result, today, there are two significant meanings of this flower.

Renewal & Rebirth
This is a beautiful flower to add to a card to signify new beginnings. They are a symbol of hope and purity and as a result, we think it would be a wonderful flower to add to a card for a new mother or someone who is starting a new chapter in their life.
The flower signifies better times after a cold dark chapter and because it thrives in such environments where other flowers would die, it helps remind us that we all have an inner strength and are capable of great things.
Being the birth flower of January, this is also a lovely design to paint for a loved one born in this month.
Sympathy and Consolation
Snowdrops can also be given to someone to convey sympathy or to acknowledge they are struggling. They are lovely, unassuming flowers to add to a card for someone who has lost a loved one.

Learn how to paint this beautiful flower using our tutorial here. If you would like more snowdrop inspiration, check out the other projects we have painted in the past.
Until next time x